
Showing posts from 2011

Fork in the Road

As we are nearing the end of yet another school year, I'm facing the reality that next year, both of the mini heathens will be school children. For the past 7 years of my life, I have been a full time, around the clock, do it all Mom. The reality that in just a few short months, that roll will be diminished some and then diminished even more after that is coming more and more to light. It feels like I'm being phased out of my current position. For some reason, to me, this whole "mommy gig" seems like it ends once the kids reach school age. The problem is, I don't know if I want to go out and "find a job". I'm picky. I spent the last 7 years living my life for my kids, I just can't see changing the course now. They still need me. Maybe not as much, but they still need me. And, I need them. But, I need something for me too. So, I consulted the cards. I first asked what area would bring me the most satisfaction and prosperity. The cards response was