
Showing posts from February, 2013

Not good enough

I've recently discovered the joys of podcasts and especially one in particular.  For the past couple of weeks, I've been listening to the Jillian Michaels podcast while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing other such menial chores.  During these, I hear bits of inspiration and enlightenment that help me get through this journey.  It's been a year since I began this endeavor to be a smaller version of me.  And, in that year's time, I've gotten rid of (I didn't lose it, I know exactly where it went) 50 pounds.  Now, people congratulate me and tell me how incredible it is that I've lost so much.  But, is it really?  Is 50 pounds in one year good enough?  "You're making changes that last," they say.  "You're doing this the right way," they say.  "You're making sure that it sticks," they say.  But they don't have to look at me in the mirror.  They don't have to see the fight that each and every pound is.  Th