Wibbley Wobbley...

I read a post on Facebook where someone shared a recipe for diet pop cupcakes.  Apparently it's easy, just mix diet pop with cake mix and voila, supposedly delicious low calorie cupcakes.  Of course by doing so, said person opened herself up to the vultures that are the "this is my way to lose weight and it is the one true path" crowd.  I hate those people.  Seriously.  Yes, we know that diet pop contains aspartame.  Yes we know that aspartame causes cancer in lab rats.  Did you know that we're NOT lab rats?  Guess what, Cupcakes, something is going to kill us.  When we're obese, we're told that it's going to kill us.  (Insert big announcer voice here:) We're going to get Diabetes or High Blood Pressure or Corn Dog Syndrome!  No, I'm not sure what Corn Dog Syndrome is, but I'm sure we'll hear about it soon.

But then, we take the steps to lose weight.  We make the changes.  And for some of us, those changes look different than for others.  I commend those people who can give up diet pop and sugar and any thing remotely resembling bread.  Good on ya, Mate.  I, however, cannot.  For the rest of us, our weight loss journeys don't always look like huge successes in the short term.  You may see us gorging on 3 or 4 slices of pizza and then wonder why that's a victory for us.  Well, Sugar Muffin, I stopped at 4 slices.  That's something I didn't do before.  Victory!  I like chocolate.  It has an unnatural hold on me.  Brownies are a weakness.  So, if I am able to make a brownie like dessert that has lower fat and calories...you'd better believe I'm all over that bandwagon!  I've all but given up pop.  I don't keep it in my house any more.  Nine times out of 10, I'm ordering a water when we go out to eat.  But, if you see me on that 10th time, I've probably got a diet pop with my salad or burger or whatever I'm enjoying.  It's okay.  I promise you that I am a grown up and an fully capable of making my own decisions. 

Having said that, I do envy those of you who are following a fully clean diet.  There is a part of me who wishes that I was there now.  I'm working toward it, but I'm so not there yet.  I want the information.  I want the recipes.  But, I could really do without the judgement.  We're all on a different part of the wibbley wobbley road to success.  Some of us jump right into the clean and fully healthy living...but most of us have to wade slowly to that way of life.  And then, there are others who are fully content with the way they're doing things.  I'm not sure I ever want to fully give up pizza or cookies or brownies.  I enjoy those foods.  What I'm trying (and thousands like me are trying) to do is to lessen the control those foods have over me.  I'm working to make better choices, so let's just relax on the "one right way" crap.  It's not helping any one and it makes you look like a douche. 


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