
Showing posts from 2014

The Prank

Another Flash Fiction Entry. This one won! :) I may eventually continue this story to see where it goes. The Prank Allie batted her long, black lashes and stuck out her lower lip in what she knew was an adorable pout.  “It doesn’t work anymore, Allie. God, I’m so sick of you thinking you can just bat those stupid eyelashes and everything gets fixed.” Jake fumed. Allie had crossed the line this time. It was one thing when the pranks were simply about embarrassing someone, but this time a girl died. Game over.  Allie pulled her lip back in. ¬“You were part of it all, too!” She snapped. “Besides, it was supposed to be fun. You weren’t supposed to let her fall. How could you, Jake?” “Oh, that’s classic. Of course it’s my fault because no one would believe that sweet little Allie is capable of this. If they only knew the real you, they’d lock you in a cell and throw away the key.” “Maybe they should,” Allie mumbled looking at the floor. The pranks were never supposed to go this

Bad Reviews

So, I received a 2.5 star (out of 5) review today that said: Some things I Like: I love the idea of having a typical morning routine and becoming bombarded by characters and stories! That is just awesome really. What writer wouldn't like that? You have some strong word choice in here. Solitude, characters, adulations, broken... these are a few that stand out to me. The flow is good. I didn't stumble at all while reading this one. Observations & Suggestions: The rhymes are not the strongest here. Up/cup, day/say, tribulations/adulations, day/say again. Now, I wonder which one is the strongest? Really, up/cup and day/say aren't awful. They just remind me of Dr. Seuss. I have a 6 year old who only recently eased up on his obsession with Seuss, so it is fresh in my mind. The rhymes didn't really detract from the piece. They just didn't help it either. There wasn't much of a hook here. "In the quiet of the morning / before the sun wakes up / I sit a

Flash Fiction

So, I've been participating in some Flash Fiction (stories less than 300 words) contests on I thought it would be fun to share them here. I know that I get asked quite a bit about what I'm writing. So, here you go... Yesterday's story prompt: Write a story that includes the phrase "What's the worst that could happen?"  The Wedding Crashers “Come on!” Stacy chided. “What’s the worst that could happen?” She shrugged her shoulders, a classic Stacy move, and pushed the door open. “What’s the worst that could happen?” Tracy retorted. “Really? Have we met? I could give you about a hundred different scenarios all going from bad to worse to worst!” “Oh Tracy, you worry too much! Relax and have fun. Besides, Jacob will be there.” Stacy smiled at the slight blush that crept up Tracey’s neck and rested on her cheeks. Stacy didn’t dare confess that she’d been sleeping with Jacob since she discovered her sister had a crush on him. She also

Writer's Block and other Distractions

Well, I've made it. It's halfway through summer and I've survived the kids being home full time. I'm not as sure about my writing, though. I'm going through a nasty case of distracted writers syndrome. It's terrible. Even my writer's website has become a means of procrastination for me. I know that it will get better. That I will work through this. I can feel it in my bones. Every doubt that I have, every time I think I'll never finish a story, there's always one thing I know. I will continue to write. I have to. It's in my blood. But, as I sit here, there's a decision that needs to be made concerning this fall. Do I renew my substitute license or do I give up that means of income? Do I go back to school myself or do I just focus on my writing? Do I pursue a professorship? Do I take the steps to teach college level English and writing? I know that many writers do it as a way to make money. However, I also know that there are only so many ho

Letting Go

Here it is - my second place story. The challenge was to write a story in 100 words or less. It had to have all of the components; setting, character, plot, etc. I hope that you all enjoy. Any feedback is appreciated, but please keep it constructive. The mother gazed at her newborn daughter, so beautiful, so perfect. She wondered how she had thought she ever loved before this. She wasn’t sure she could ever love the same after. The baby wailed and the mother looked around, panicked, helpless. She was only fifteen, far too young for this. The nurse handed her a bottle for the baby. Once again all was right with the world. The two sat in peaceful bliss until the white liquid was gone. Then she handed her daughter to the baby’s parents. She smiled through the heartbreak, knowing this was best. 

Lessons from baton twirling

Yesterday was the 2014 Miss Majorette of Ohio Competition. B, who has been twirling since she was three years old, competed. I'd love to tell you that she walked away with a title and we are now heading to Miss Majorette of America, but that would be a lie. The truth is that yesterday I watched my girl twirl her heart out and get it stomped on by almost every single judge. She received last place or almost last place in almost every single event. But, we were positive and proud of the work that she was doing. Yesterday we didn't focus on the place, instead we focused on her love of the sport. "Go out there and have fun." I'd tell her before each event. And, somehow it clicked. Yes, she did receive almost last or last in almost everything.  However, she pulled out a second place for her pageant solo and was only 1 point behind first place. Without her penalties, she would have won the solo. She showed her love and the judge responded. So, in her honor, here are s


I used to think that I was busy. When both of my girls were babies, I could barely keep my head above water. When Brooklynne started Kindergarten, I felt like I was sinking. I got a few minutes to catch my breath when both girls started school, but that didn't last very long. And now, I have two very active and involved children and I feel as if I'm doing my best just to keep my head above water. My house is atrocious most of the time and sometimes we have to scour through baskets of  unfolded laundry in order to find something to wear for the day. Right now I feel as if I'm doing a mediocre job at best with all of my commitments. And, I wonder if my girls are stretched too thin. I know that I feel stretched too thin, although, if I could really be stretched thin, that would be great. At least it would take off the pressure of having to count calories (and failing to do so after lunch) and exercise every day. I'm sure there is a lesson in all of this. I'm sure I n


Trapped Inside my own mind, Four walls closing in, Unable to move Unable to breathe. Somewhere there is a door That I simply cannot see. Stagnant. In this life, A change is what I need. Unable to move from here. Longing for something, I'm told can never be.